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Updated: Jun 26, 2023 has an answer.

Meal kits, those boxes that come to your door with everything you need to cook dinner, have exploded. Just google - Best rated meal kits for 2023- and your computer will be filled with articles and reviews for both meal kits you can easily prepare and single serving meals you can heat in the microwave.

These meal kits and single serving dinners have been popular with the younger set, but they make sense for the older generation. For folks who live alone, are not super mobile or just plain tired of cooking, an easy to prepare healthy meal may be just the ticket.

Most meal plans can be tweaked to be vegetarian, pescatarian, high protein or even Keto. Some are organic, designed for weight loss, but most are simply a well balanced healthy meal. Prices begin at $4.99 a meal, but most run around $10-12. Many companies offer promotions to give them a try. They are better for you than processed grocery store food or take-out and cheaper than a restaurant.

I was in Idaho with my daughter for a few weeks helping her adjust to being on crutches for 6 weeks. I ordered BLUE APRON (a meal prep kit) for the first couple of weeks and we enjoyed delicious, simple to prepare meals each night. I ordered FACTOR (single meals ready to microwave) for her when I Ieft.

Our friends, who are serious cooks, get a 3 meal delivery of HELLO FRESH each week to take the pressure off a few nights of dinner planning. They've even learn new cooking tips and tricks.

As we age we need to avoid processed foods and eat real food. But, who wants to plan all the meals, track down all the ingredients, haul them from the store and then have to spend every night cooking. With most of these plans, dinner can be whipped up in around 30 minutes. And the only thing you have to do is order the box, follow the instructions and enjoy. - Jan

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