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Five Reasons We Need More Protein

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Part 1: Why we need more protein

Protein builds every structure and chemical in our bodies. That includes bones, muscles, cells and hormones. Over time, our bodies are not as efficient using proteins. After forty, we begin losing muscle mass. By fifty, our bodies need more protein just to maintain strength. The older we become, the more difficult it is to build muscles.

Research in this area confirms that many women over sixty suffer from eating too little protein. Here are five important research findings supporting our need for more protein:

  1. Individuals who eat the most protein maintain muscle mass throughout their lives. Conversely, adults who report eating the least protein become frail or weak. Muscle strength protects from falling, one of the biggest sources of illness, injury and death in older adults.

  2. Long term studies show older adults who lift weights without eating enough protein do not build muscle strength. However, increased protein with resistance training improves muscle tone.

  3. Eating adequate protein lowers ghrelin, the hunger hormone, leaving us satisfied after meals.

  4. Protein changes body composition in positive ways. It decreases fat and improves lean muscle leading to a smaller waist. Inadequate protein intake contributes to menopausal weight gain including increased belly fat.

  5. When muscle mass is better, so is bone density.

I went to the gym consistently for a year and half without making improvements in muscle definition and strength. I felt better but my lean muscle mass was not better (based on bioelectrical impedance assessments). Now, with better protein intake, my muscle tone is slowly improving. The more I add protein to my diet, the more satisfied I feel after meals. No wonder I couldn't stick to those low protein diets.

Increasing protein intake isn't for everyone. If you suffer from kidney disease or another condition which restricts protein, discuss those concerns with your doctor.

Next week's blog will focus on how much protein women over sixty really need and how to get it.

In the meantime, let me know how it goes. --Robyn

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